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  • 2023.09.12

    The Research Center for Textual Scholarship will host a Lecture by Professor Hans Walter Gabler titled “Resurrection of Love, Its Course: Speaking on the Present Significance of the Gabler Edition of ‘Ulysses’” (Finished)

We are excited to announce the lecture titled “Resurrection of Love, Its Course: Speaking on the Present Significance of the Gabler Edition of ‘Ulysses’” hosted by Seijo University’s Research Center for Textual Scholarship. We have invited Professor Hans Walter Gabler (Emeritus Professor, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich) to speak about his editorial work on James Joyce’s “Ulysses”. Preceding the lecture, there will be an introductory workshop on the Gabler Edition of “Ulysses” conducted by Professor Yokouchi Kazuo (Kwansei Gakuin University) and Professor Minamitani Toshimi (Associate Professor, Kyoto University). We look forward to welcoming you.

Date and Time: October 15, 2023 (Sunday) from 13:00 to 16:15
Venue: Seijo University Building 8, Room 008. Access to Seijo University here.
Capacity: 100 participants (Pre-registration is required). Registrations will be accepted until October 8, 2023 (Sunday) via the Google form provided below.
Click here to access the Google registration form.

For inquiries:
Research Center for Textual Scholarship, Seijo University
Email: ts-office[at]seijo.ac.jp
*When sending an email, please replace [at] with @.

Programme Change Announcement for Professor Hans Walter Gabler's Lecture, “Resurrection of Love, Its Trajectory: Discussing the Significance of Gabler's Edition of ‘Ulysses’ Today.”
Due to various circumstances, we regret to inform you that the planned visit of Professor Hans Walter Gabler as a guest lecturer has been cancelled. Instead, Professor Gabler will be joining us online via a screen presentation on the 15th. There will also be time allocated for him to answer questions from the audience (with on-site interpreters).

Due to this change, the event venue has been relocated.
From: Building 8, Room 008, Seijo University
To: Building 3, Room 321, Seijo University

After the lecture, we will hold a tea break in Lounge #08 of Building 8, where you are invited to interact with the speakers and fellow attendees. Refreshments will be offered. We hope that you can join us for this opportunity to connect with other Joycean enthusiasts.
We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and for the late notice.