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Books and monographs in the series of "Seijo Glocal Studies in Society and Culture"

The following works form part of Seijo Glocal Studies in Society and Culture, an English-language series published by Seijo University’s Center for Global Studies (CGS).

◆Riches, D., Sayonara Nukes: The Case for Abolishing Nuclear Energy and Nuclear Weapons, 2018 (358 pages)

Sayonara Nukes is the work of Dennis Riches, a member of CGS and a professor at the Society Innovation Department.

If you are interested in receiving a copy, please contact CGS at glocalstudies[at]seijo.ac.jp ※replace "at" with "@"

◆Uesugi, T., Yamamoto, M. (eds.), The Perspective of Glocalization: Addressing the Changing Society and Culture Under Globalization, Tokyo: Center for Glocal Studies, Seijo University, 2016 (173 pages)

The Perspective of Glocalization is a collection of essays compiled by Tomiyuki Uesugi and Matori Yamamoto.
The collection contains eight essays, which were presented at an eponymous sectional meeting of the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (IUAES) on May 15, 2014. (The content of these presentations has been slightly edited for the collection.)

If you are interested in receiving a copy, please contact CGS at glocalstudies[at]seijo.ac.jp ※replace "at" with "@"

◆Uesugi, T., Shiba, M. (eds.), Glocal Perspectives on Intangible Cultural Heritage: Local Communities, Researchers, States and UNESCO, With the Special Focus on Global and National Perspectives, Tokyo: Center for Glocal Studies, Seijo University, 2017 (129 pages)

Glocal Perspectives on Intangible Cultural Heritage is a collection of essays compiled by Tomiyuki Uesugi and Mari Shiba.
The collection is a culmination of the reports released at an eponymous international symposium (pre-symposium) held by the CGS in February 2017.